
Working with adults, I am able to provide a supportive, confidential space where the thoughts, feelings, behaviour and difficulties being experienced can be safely explored. Within this space, your emotions, the troubles you are facing and how these may shape or possibly curtail your quality of life can be addressed. The difficulties covered are:

• abuse
• addiction
• anxiety,
• bereavement,
• bullying,
• depression,
• difficulties or worry about work
• domestic violence
• life transitions
• loss of confidence

• loss
• low self-esteem
• marital and relationship difficulties
• obsessional behaviour
• psychosomatic conditions or eating disorders
• relationships difficulties
• self-harm
• sexual and gender issues,
• stress (both in work and in your personal life)
• trauma

These difficulties may be a response to a particular set of circumstance or they may be related to deeper aspects of your personality or experience. Sometimes it feels hard to cope, that life is overwhelming or that you feel stuck. Maybe the same negative things keep occurring and it has become difficult to see how to change them.

Our sessions will help you identify ways of overcoming unhelpful patterns and perhaps you may begin to see the part you play in them. Therapy will also give you a chance to work through complex issues and dilemmas and to begin to understand yourself. Sometimes therapy will stir up a range of feelings that you may find difficult or are unsure of but it can also be a rewarding and empowering process.