Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychotherapy & Counselling

London & Herefordshire
About Me

As a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist working both in Hereford and London, I am here to support children over the age of 8, adolescents, adults and families at what may be a difficult time of their lives and to help them throughout their therapy. I offer "face-to-face" as well as online support.

Children & Families

Helping children and their families, through our therapy sessions, make sense of their thoughts, feelings and experiences. My role is also to help their parents and carers understand these needs and struggles so that they too can be supportive.


Working with adolescents, often within the school setting, I am able to help them make sense of these changes that they are experiencing and so provide alternative ways of thinking, feeling or behaving.


Working with adults, I can provide a supportive, confidential space where the thoughts, feelings, behaviour and difficulties being experienced can be safely explored.  Within this space, your emotions, the troubles you are facing and how these may shape or possibly curtail your quality of life can be addressed. 


As a psychotherapist, I offer professional supervision. This consultation is available for professionals which include psychotherapists, counsellors, trainees on counselling, psychotherapy courses, social workers, school and nursery staff, foster carers and kinship carers.